PET Cup Lids

Our PET lids are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes to snugly fit our PET Cups.

Sku Related Cups Pack Case
JFY045 JT01 and JT0.9 100 1,000
JFY062 JP2 and JT03 100 2,500
JFY074 JP4, JB05, JB06 and JB07 100 1,000
JFY078 JB08, JB09 and JB10B 100 1,000
JFY080 JI07 100 1,000
JFY085 JI09B, JB10A and JB12A 100 1,000
JFY090 JB12D and JB15 100 1,000
JFY092 JI07B, JI08B, JI09 and JB12C 100 1,000
JFY098 JI12, JB14, JB20 and JB24 100 1,000
JYD074 JP4, JB05, JB06 and JB07 100 1,000
JYD078 JB08, JB09 and JB10B 100 1,000
JYD080 JI07 100 1,000
JYD085 JI09B, JB10A and JB12A 100 1,000
JYD090 JB12D and JB15 100 1,000
JYD092 JI07B, JI08B, JI09 and JB12C 100 1,000
JYD095 JI08 and JI10 100 1,000
JYD098 JI12, JB14, JB20 and JB24 100 1,000
JYD100 JB16A 100 1,000
JYF100 JB16A 100 1,000
JYF117 8oz Plastic Deli Cup, 12oz Plastic Deli Cup, 16oz Plastic Deli Cup, 24oz Plastic Deli Cup and 32oz Plastic Deli Cup 20 500
JYF168 10 500

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